Kevin Alfers
Senior Associate
Kevin Alfers deals with mergers and acquisitions and corporate law in various areas such as the investment funds, real estate, FinTech or aeronautic sectors.
Kevin Alfers deals with mergers and acquisitions and corporate law in various areas such as technologies enterprises, investment funds, corporate real estate, FinTech or aeronautic sectors.
He holds a master degree in Economic and Labour law from the University of Brussels (2016 - Magna cum laude) and spent a semester at the University of Liverpool in the context of an academic exchange program.
Kevin joined Thierry Tilquin’s team in 2016.
Kevin works in French, English and Dutch.
View publications and lectures
- Thierry Tilquin, Kevin Alfers, "Le fonds européen d’investissement à long terme et les investissements immobiliers", Jurimpratique (Revue pratique de l’immobilier), special number, 2017, p. 289 and fl.
- Thierry Tilquin, Kevin Alfers, Note under Cass. 11 October 2017, "Les opérations de restructuration et le transfert de la responsabilité contraventionnelle", Revue pratique des sociétés - Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap, 2019, p. 14 and fl.